
17.06.2016 r. - Friday
09.00-10.00 Registration of participants


Dr n. med. Monika Mikulicz-Pasler - Prezes KCM Clinic SA

Dr hab. n. med. Stanisław Kwiek, specjalista neurochirurg,

Kierownik Dolnośląskiego Centrum  Małoinwazyjnej Neurochirurgii Kręgosłupa
Prezes Zarządu, Uzdrowisko Cieplice - Grupa PGU


Lecture: "Physics of the healthy spine".

 Dr n. fiz. hab. n. med. Armand Cholewka, Instytut Fizyki, Uniwersytet Śląski Katowice


Lecture: "Minimally-invasive operating techniques contemporary and tested, as for their effectiveness, in treating patients with diseases of the spine: lumbar, deep and cervical".

Dr hab. n. med. Stanisław J. Kwiek, dr n. med. Krzysztof Suszyński


Coffee break                                                                                                                                                   


Neurosurgical treatments - LIVE Transmission

with the audio-visual transmission from the KCM operating room and questions and answers session between participants and surgeon:


Endoscopic removing the hernia of the disk from the back-side access, the SED method - YESS


Percutaneous laser decompression of the disk from the back-side access.

The spinal stabilization - lumbar and/or deep. Other techniques of the stabilization.

Disc Nucleoplasty  and the decompression on disks: cervical, deep and lumbar, with method coblation.

Intradiscal Electrothermal Therapy  (IDET): lumbar and deep - therapeutic possibilities and restrictions


Zastosowanie aktywnych żeli, wprowadzanych wewnątrzdyskowo. Therapeutic possibilities and restrictions.

Neuromodulation - stimulation of the spinal cord (SCS) in the disease of the spine in the lumbar section and/or deep section.





Lecture: ""Recommendations and limitations in physiotherapy -  for patients who qualify for spine surgery". Dr n. KF Dariusz Milko, specjalista Fizjoterapii, Kierownik Działu Rehabilitacji Leczniczej i Przyrodolecznictwa, Uzdrowisko Cieplice - Grupa PGU


Face-to-face discussion  with surgeons.

Possibility of a detailed analysis of individual treatments conducted on that day. Possibility of the interrogation for surgeons to other neurosurgical subjects (miscellany), in diseases of the vertebral canal and the core, as well as the brain.

Demonstration  of producers and distributors of a new generation equipment, software and the instrumentation used in neurosurgery of the vertebral canal, the spinal cord and the brain.


"Modern implants in the small-invasive neurosurgery of the spine" - Medtronic Company.


"Stimulation of the spinal cord (SCS) in diseases of the spine" - Medtronic Company.


"Deep stimulation of the brain in diseases of the extrapyramidal system and other diseases of the central nervous system" - Medtronic Company.


The development of minimal invasive techniques and advancementin technology of medical equipment -B Braun Aesculap Chifa Company.


Dinner - Accor Hotel Mercure Jelenia Góra                                                                                              

18.06.2016 r. - Saturday


Lecture : "Appropriate and checked clinical methods of rehabilitation and physiotherapy of patients before and after minimally invasive neurosurgery of the spine: lumbar, deep and cervical".  Dr n. med. Krzysztof Suszyński, specjalista fizjoterapii, mgr Ewelina Kaczmarczyk,

dr hab. n. med. Stanisław J. Kwiek


Lecture: "Techniques of physiotherapy streamlining after minimally invasive  surgery of the spine: lumbar, deep and cervical, on the example Neurac, Core Stability Training and Kintetc Ctrl"

Mgr Ewelina Kaczmarczyk, dr med. Krzysztof Suszyński, dr hab. n. med. Stanisław J. Kwiek


Lecture:  "Non-invasive thermal imaging diagnostics in chosen diseases of the spine."

Dr n. fiz. hab. n. med. Armand Cholewka, Instytutu Fizyki, Uniwersytet Śląski Katowice


Coffee break 


Analysis of the perioperative course of patients operated a day earlier in KCM Jelenia Góra. - dr hab. n. med. Stanisław J. Kwiek

Audio- visual meeting with patients leaving the hospital after treatments
  11.45-12.45 Demonstration of producers and distributors of a new generation equipment, software and the instrumentation in the neurosurgery of the vertebral canal, the spinal cord and the brain.

" Neurostimulators of the spinal cord in chronic pain syndromes of the spine"

- St. Jude Medical
12.45-13.30 Conclusions of the conference… questions and answers
13.30 Lunch